Kym Scott
Early Years Trainer, Consultant and Conference Speaker
What every senior leader needs to know about improving quality and outcomes in EYFS
Inspiring young writers in the EYFS
How to ensure challenge and progression through play and practical experience
Ensuring children learn both the mechanics and the magic of reading in the early years
The role of the adult in extending children’s language and communication in the early years
Supporting children’s mathematical learning in the EYFS
Helping children learn and apply phonic skills and knowledge through thrilling, rather than drilling them!
A senior leader’s guide to mathematics and literacy in the EYFS
Before becoming a freelance consultant, Kym Scott was Strategic Lead for Early Years in the London Borough of Lewisham. She worked in this borough as School Improvement Advisor for Early Years for 15 years, following a successful teaching and senior leadership career in London schools. Her advisory role enabled her to work closely with many schools and settings in a variety of circumstances and she has a proven track record of helping leaders to raise the quality of their EYFS provision and improve outcomes for children. Lewisham was named as one of the top places in the country for children’s development due to how well children in the borough consistently achieve at the end of the EYFS.
Kym is an associate consultant for Early Education and has worked with national training organisations such as Early Excellence. In the past she has been a maths trainer for the BEAM organisation (Be a Mathematician) as well as Strategic Lead locally for the Communication, Language and Literacy Development programme.
Anni Mc Tavish
Early Years Creative Arts Consultant
Anni is an independent early years creative arts consultant, with a passion for the arts and creativity. Her work includes designing and leading on a variety of projects, as well as facilitating training (online and face to face), workshops and keynote presentations. She particularly enjoys working with practitioners, children and families on art and design. She also offers professional supervision and consultancy to help both individuals and settings to problem-solve and develop their practice further.
Workshops include: Treasure Baskets & Heuristic Play, Transitions, Loss or Bereavement, Expressive Arts and Design, STEAM in the Early Years, An Introduction to Schemas or Action Patterns, Feelings and Behaviour – A Creative Approach, Sing a Song, Tell a Tale, and Brilliant Books
Anni’s book ‘Playing and Exploring’ (Learning and Teaching in the Early Years) can be found here
The Creative Thinking and Learning Project on behalf of Sheringham Nursery, in the London Borough of Newham can be found here and is free to download
Anni’s new book Expressive Arts and Design published by Routledge will be out later this year
Twitter: Twitter @MctavishAnni
Debi Keyte-Hartland
Debi writes:
I am an international arts-educator and early years pedagogical consultant who has worked in education, health, social and cultural fields for 20+ years developing creative and transdisciplinary approaches to learning and inquiry in the classroom. I use my ongoing practical research in the classroom with children to develop rewarding and supportive professional development opportunities and consulting experiences to explore and discover the possible ways in which we can work alongside children.
Watch Debi’s TedX talk: