
Welcome to Irresistible Learning – the home for Pete’s training, resources, research and writing –  all about making learning irresistible by nurturing children’s natural curiosity.

Pete Moorhouse is passionate about encouraging creative thinking in Early Years Education. He has over 25 years experience working with schools and has worked regularly in early years settings as an artist educator.

Pete provides a rich variety of creative CPD training sessions and delivers inspiring conference keynote presentations. He works with many Local Authorities and schools around the country providing early years training as well as working internationally. The trainings are designed to inform staff of latest developments in the field and keep abreast of new issues. The sessions focus on enriching, inspiring and motivating staff and highlighting best practice. Pete is an associate trainer for Early Education and delivers training for many organisations such as National Teaching Schools and Early Excellence.

Pete is the leading authority on Woodwork in Early Years Education and has several journal articles and books published. Pete was awarded an Honorary Research Fellowship at the University of Bristol and is currently researching Creativity and Critical thinking in Early Years Education. He has presented research papers at BECERA, IAEC and OMEP. Pete is a Churchill Fellow through which he researched  international perspectives on ‘making’ and woodwork in early education. Pete is a member of ICEnet International Creative Education Network, the International Art in Early Childhood Education Association, OMEP (World organisation for Early Childhood Education) and the Froebel Network. Pete’s methods of supporting children are  inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach and Froebelian principles.  Pete is an endorsed Froebel Tutor.

As an artist Pete is an acclaimed professional sculptor with an impressive portfolio of sculpture and public art commissions. His sculptures are in several international collections. His work can be seen at www.petemoorhouse.co.uk but increasingly Pete’s focus dedicated to early years education.

Pete has considerable experience of early childhood practice an many countries, through his overseas research and also work delivering training all around the world, form Japan to Bhutan , New Zealand to the USA, Bahrain to Sweden and many countries in between.

Pete is dedicated to providing opportunities for all children to express their creativity and develop their creative and critical thinking skills, and firmly believes in narrowing the gap in attainment and improving outcomes for all children.


Holistic Creativity Framework

A new resource for early childhood educators taking a deep dive into the dynamics of creativity, looking a what capacities enable creative to flourish and how we can best provide the conditions for creativity to thrive. The resource includes an ‘observation tool’ to support practitioners attune to children’s creative processes and reflect on how best to interact and deepen their interests.

See: Holistic Creativity Framework


Read my latest article ab0ut the need for more men in early Years education here

There is also a podcast discussion available from the Froebel Trust: Where are the men in early years education? You can  listen to the podcast here




My book, Learning Through Woodwork is published in Chinese by Routledge. There is currently a surge of interest in offering woodwork in early years and primary across China. 学习木制品是一本重要的指南,为那些希望向幼儿介绍木制品的人提供清晰和全面的指导。本书通过理论、实用建议、令人惊叹的彩色图像和案例研究,将激励所有教师拥抱木制品,并鼓励孩子们进行独立和创造性的学习。劳特利奇出版,国内各大好书店有售



Check out the lastest podcast: Woodworking in Early Childhood – for the The Powerful Pedagogy podcast series, broadcasting from New York, USA. The Powerful Pedagogy is a conversational early childhood podcast that explores the shifts and changes we have experienced in our field since 2020. Hosted by Lynnette Arthur these  thought provoking interviews bring new perspectives to your classroom. This podcast is produced by Wunderled, the leading expert in play based education, serving educators globally.


I am delighted to have a chapter in this comprehensive new handbook on Froebel, published by Bloomsbury which will be available from November 2023. My chapter, ‘The Art of Serious Play’ looks at Froebel’s lasting legacy, of how his kindergarten work with gifts and occupations impacted on the visual arts and architecture in wider society. I’m also thrilled to have one on my sculptures on the cover which explores natural forms and geometries!



A new woodwork resource in Spanish is published. Una introducción a la carpintería en la Primera Infancia –
Aprendizaje a través del hacer, By Pete Moorhouse translated by Constanza Peña Barahona, English Teacher, MA in Applied Linguistics. Paula Müller Espinoza, Wood Engineer, Bachelor in Education. Review in Spanish: Alejandra Müller Espinoza, Spanish Language and communication Teacher, MA in Educational
management. The pdf can be downloaded here. Feel free to share.


NEW: Introducing woodwork in early childhood education CPD online course. Comprising of series of 8 training videos and 15 handouts, this accredited course provides everything you need in order to safely introduce woodwork in your early childhood setting. Comprising of 8 training videos, a selection of handouts and in-depth guidance for a hands-on practical session.  More information



Pete is awarded a Churchill Medallion for his international research into Woodwork provision in early childhood education with the aim of inspiring children’s creative abilities by reintroducing woodwork education in schools. Pete undertook extensive research in New Zealand, Japan, USA and Nordic countries.  The aim of the project was to learn from settings around the world providing high quality woodworking practice in order to share and improve provision within the UK. ‘The potential for learning and development through woodwork is extraordinary,  encompassing all areas of L&D such as: physical development, language and communication, personal development, literacy, mathematical thinking, scientific knowledge and thinking, knowledge and understanding about the world, expressive arts, creative and critical thinking.’ Read the full report here.

Birth to 5 Matters is out! Birth to 5 Matters is non-statutory guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage. It provides comprehensive guidance, drawing on previous guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which has been updated in order to reflect recent research, to meet the needs of practitioners, to respond to current issues in society, to meet the needs of children today and to lay a strong foundation for their futures. Pete worked on the new guidance in the Characteristics of Effective Learning Working Group….and great to have some woodwork on the front cover!              More info: https://www.birthto5matters.org.uk/



Pete supported the Alarboli project in Chile, South America raising the importance and value of outdoor learning. This project was all about promoting opportunities and experiences in contact with nature during childhood, through experiential and active methodologies, which promote holistic development. Extract of an interview with Pete


Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. I aim to challenge racism and all prejudices and promote equality of opportunity.

I believe we must all take action to dismantle systemic racism and create a more inclusive and equitable culture that welcomes, values and empowers all people. I firmly believe in challenging gender stereotypes and provide equal opportunities to enable all children to flourish.   Education must be about providing the best start for all children.


Pete has two new booklets published by Community Playthings emphasising the value and  importance of playing and learning outdoors. This is a two book series. Book one: Learning outdoors – In this booklet Pete details the pedagogy behind outdoor learning and its importance for every setting. Book two – Outdoor environments – This booklet provides inspiration and tips for designing quality outdoor learning spaces for children in your setting. The books are available as pdf downloads or hard copies can be ordered from Community Playthings



Pete wins National Creative Learning Award! Pete has won the national award for best creative business for his work promoting creativity and woodwork in early childhood education – awarded by the Creative Learning Guild (2019)
“Pete Moorhouse is passionate about making a positive impact through all areas of his work to nurture creativity. Pete demonstrates a proactive approach to providing resources and opportunities for adults and children to develop their creative skills. With a focus on developing a greater understanding of the impact of creativity, Pete’s research work will continue to be a force for good on our society.” Judge Sarah Cressall, Founder & Managing Director of The Creation Station


The Big Bang Research Project

Evaluating the impact of woodwork provision on early childhood development
This is a global project. If you provide woodwork for young children please complete the research survey
To complete the survey click here


Pete is an affiliate member of the The Helen Hamlyn Centre for Pedagogy (HHCP) which was established in 2018 to extend the long-established work of the UCL Institute of Education (IOE) and the Helen Hamlyn Trust in primary and early years education.

The aim of the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Pedagogyis for researchers, educators and policy makers to work together to transform children’s lives through evidence and exemplary pedagogy.


Pete had been commissioned by Routledge to write a new book on creativity in early years education:

Creative Practice in the Early Years: How to recognise and nurture creative and critical thinking
Publication date: July 2020


Pete is an Global Ambassador at hundrED and will be at the HundrED Innovation Summit in Helsinki

The Big Bang Project – Educational Innovation page

HundrED – The purpose of education is to help every child flourish, no matter what happens in life. In a fast-changing world, education must adapt to keep up. The world is full of inspiring innovations, but they can struggle to spread beyond their immediate environments. That’s why HundrED discovers, researches and shares impactful and scalable K12 innovations with the world, for free.


Pete has been awarded a Churchill Fellowship to research early years ‘making’ and woodwork practice in NZ, USA and Nordic countries.

Read more….


Pete’s new book is published by Routledge
Learning Through Woodwork: Introducing Creative Woodwork in the Early Years

“Every so often a book is written that helps practitioners to develop their work in deep and far reaching ways. This is that sort of book.” Tina Bruce CBE

‘The Definitive EY Book for Woodwork. Destined to be a classic’ Juliet Robertson



Pete has completed his training becoming an endorsed Froebel Travelling Tutor. An in-depth short course program devised to spread the pedagogy and principles of Froebel delivered by the Froebel Trust



Pete presents research about the learning and development associated with woodwork at the OMEP (Organisation Mondiale Pour L’Éducation Préscolaire)  world conference in Prague.

The aims and objectives of OMEP (World Organization for Early Childhood Education)  are to defend and promote the rights of the child with special emphasis on the right to education and care worldwide. To this end, OMEP shall help any undertaking which could promote access to quality early childhood education and care.




Pete presents his lastest research in to monitoring progression in children’s creative and critical thinking in Early Years education.



Pete was recently working in Nepal and Bhutan delivering training to Early Years teachers. Pete is currently fundraising to donate woodworking tools to Bhutan as they are keen to embrace woodwork in their new Early Years education. UNICEF has just complete building the first training facility for Early Years trainee teachers.



Clients include:

Early Excellence, London  –  The American School in London  –  Frankfurt International School, Germany  –  Liverpool City Council  –  4Generations4Education, Dubai, UAE  –  Bristol City Council  –   First Steps Himalaya, Nepal  –  Paro College of Education, Royal University of Bhutan  –  Garden International School, Kuala Lampur  –   Discovery Bay International School, Hong Kong  –  Early Education, London  –  Cornwall Learning  – Tama Art Museum University, Tokyo  –  North Somerset Council  –  International Froebel Society, Germany  –  Akasaki Nursery, Tottori, Japan  –  Central Bedfordshire Council  –  South Gloucestershire Council – University of Derby  –  Graduate School of Education, Bristol University  –  Southend on Sea Council  –  St John’s Catholic Primary School  –  Christ Church First School and Key Centre Nursery  –  Northfleet Nursery School, Kent  –  Hanham High School –  Bushy Leaze Children & Families Centre  –  Hungerford Nursery School  –  Wallscort Farm Academy – St Georges School, Dunstable  –  St Werburgh’s Nursery School and Children’s Centre  –  Curzon Crescent Nursery School and Children’s Centre, London  –  St Pauls Nursery School and Children’s Centre  – Filton Avenue Nursery School and Children’s Centre –  Chester Park Infant School – Acorns Day Nursery, Kent  –  Malvern Way Infant and Nursery School, Rickmansworth  –  Freshford Pre-School   – Ashley Down Infant School, Bristol  –  Gravesham Early Years Strategy Group  – Patchway Town Council  –  Oak House Nursery School, Ross on  Wye  –  The Grange School – Coniston Primary School  –  Ashley Down Primary School  –  Illminster Avenue Specialist Nursery School  –  King’s Houghton Middle School, Dunstable   – Icknield Lower School, Bedfordshire  –  Patchway Community Collage  –  Central Bedfordshire Learning Community – Pembury House Children’s Centre   – Next Steps, Leicester  –  Fife Council, Scotland  –  Childcare First, Glasgow  –  Bells Farm Primary School, Birmingham  –  St Mary Redcliffe Primary School, Bristol  –  Living Spring Montessori, London  –  Brent Early Years Conference, London  –  Patchway Community College, Bristol  –  Bradley Stoke Community College, Bristol  –  Gravesend Conference  –  Filton College, Bristol  –  Central Bedfordshire College, Dunstable  –  King Edward School, Bath  –  Giant Steps Nurseries, Durham  –  Gateway Alliance, Kent  –  Short Wood Primary School, Telford  –  Entrust, Staffordshire Council   – Early Excellence , Huddersfield  –  University of Bristol, Milton Keynes Council  –  Selly Oak Nursery, Birmingham  –  Walsall Early Years Conference  –  Havering Early Years Conference, London – St Matthias Primary School, Tower Hamlets  –  Staffordshire Early Years Professional Network – Pastures Way Nursery School, Luton – Rochdale Council – Bristol ECHO conference – Edinburgh Froebel Network – The Limes Nursery School and Children’s Centre, Bristol – Nottingham County Council – Peterborough Council – Cornwall Aspire Academy – Brighton and Hove Council – Wallsall Early Years Conference – Reading Council – Doncaster Council – St Mathias Primary, Tower Hamlets  –  EAS Wales  –  Bath College  –  George Tomlinson Primary School  – Brentry and Henbury Nursery School and Children’s Centre  –  The Havering Learning Federation  –  The Grove Family and Children’s Centre  –  EYELA Teaching Schools  –  Pickhurst Infant Academy  – OSTA Oxfordshire – North Bristol Children Centre’s Hub – Play2 Devon – Reading County Council  –  Education Achievement Service for South East Wales  –  Olympus Academy Trust, South Gloucestershire  –  Rainbows Early Years Trowbridge  –  Annan Froebel School  –  Sapphires Nursery School  –  Herne Hill School, London  – Barnet Library Services – Norfolk County Council – Red Bus Nursery, Bristol  –  Barnet Local Authority – Hamiliton Pre-school  –  AFC, Achieving for Children, London  –  Fennies Nursery Group  – London Early Years Foundation  –  St George Preschool, Bristol  –  Tootsies Day Nursery  – BANES, Bath and North East Somerset Council  –  Bayonne Nursery School, London  –  Isle of Wight LA –  St Johns Primary School, Wales  – Little Learners Nottingham  – Aberdeen Early Education Branch  – George Street Primary, Wales  – Rollerston Pre-school  –  Nottingham City Council  – Peterborough Early Years  – Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years  –  Experiential Play Glasgow  – Calderdale Early Years  – Ripley Nursery School  –  Bath Spa University – London Math HUB  –  Cornwall Early Years – EAS Wales – Jubilee Park, Newport – Edinburgh Froebel Network – Discovery Bay International School, Hong Kong – Moss Hall Nursery School, London – Moon River, Bristol – NCP Conference Northern Ireland – Myrthyr Tydfil Integrated Children’s Centre – St Patrick Nursery and Primary School, Northern Ireland – Strathclyde University – East Prescot Road Nursery School, Liverpool – King’s House Nursery School, Richmond – Early Education Cumbria – Weston College – Park Hill Prep School, London – Lobley Hill Primary School – Oxford Teaching Schools OTSA – Colerne Old School Playgroup – Children in Scotland, Edinburgh – Aberdeen City Council – STEEP teaching schools partnership, London – Bristol City Childminders – The Learning Federation, London – New Shoots Children’s Centre, Auckland, New Zealand

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Irresistible Learning
Thinking outside the box