Physical anatomical development through woodwork

This handout looks at the general physical development and detailed anatomical development through woodwork:   Woodwork provides many opportunities for physical development as children learn to handle tools safely and with increasing control. Woodwork helps children to: Develop hand-eye more

Woodwork – Soft start – Balsa wood and other materials

With young children – especially 3-4-(5) year olds it makes a big difference to experience woodwork by initially starting with a soft material. By starting with a soft material children can master skills and techniques easily and gain confidence. more

Gwaith Coed yn y Blynyddoedd Cynnar

Welsh booklet about woodwork in the Foundation Phase published by Mudiad Meithrin, funded by Welsh more

Learning and Development -mind map

I am sorry this resource is now only available with in-house or online CPD training. I have made many resources free for many years but with the impact of the pandemic on my work I now need to  make more

Health , Safety and Risk guidance

I am sorry this resource is now only available with in-house or online CPD training. I have made many resources free for many years but with the impact of the pandemic on my work I now need to  make more

Girl Power (Tools) Booklist!

GIRL POWER (TOOLS) BOOKLIST!   There is a link to download as a pdf at the bottom of this page. Children’s books with positive messages about girls making and inventing, especially using tools. This booklist especially for girls who more

Gallery of creative woodwork

It’s hard not to get excited about children’s self expression through woodwork and it’s wonderful to see the breadth of explorations….but this comes with a warning – remember it’s not really about what children make – it’s the changes more

Example letter to parents

I am sorry this resource is now only available with in-house or online CPD training. I have made many resources free for many years but with the impact of the pandemic on my work I now need to  make more

Top 20 woodwork tips for early years

I am sorry this resource is now only available with in-house or online CPD training. I have made many resources free for many years but with the impact of the pandemic on my work I now need to  make more

Woodwork – Learning outcomes

I am sorry this resource is now only available with in-house or online CPD training. I have made many resources free for many years but with the impact of the pandemic on my work I now need to  make more